U-Pick is closed for the 2024 season.
Do you dream of blueberries like we do? Imagine so many blueberries that you’ll need to freeze them. Think of all the blueberry pancakes, muffins, jams, juices, galettes or healthy midday snacks. You’ve thought about driving out, you’ve imagined your bounty of berries, and now is the time to make your dreams a reality by paying us a visit.
Maybe you’re a baker or a cook and want to personally source your blueberries. You could be a blueberry fan, nay, a mega-fan who will need to plan multiple trips to fill a freezer. For those making multiple trips, challenge yourselves: create your own U-Pick Game. On one trip, aim for total weight. On another trip see how long you can last in the rows of bushes before your arms give out. And then at home when your U-Pick blueberries come out of the freezer (for those blissful berry moments) you’ll be right back with us on the farm.
From July (usually starting on July 4th) to the first weekend of August, you’ll be welcome seven days a week from 8am-6pm. We’ll have buckets of various sizes to fill with your bounty. With multiple acres to gather berries on, you’ll never feel crowded. We price the berries per pound; prices can vary from day-to-day and if interested please call for updated rates. In several hours one person can pick several pounds of berries, so it’s good to pace yourself and/or make multiple visits.
Congratulations! You might have enough berries now to make it through most of winter. What do you do?
Long term storage is quite simple. Fill a gallon-sized freezer bag with unwashed berries (yes, if you wash them they’re likely to stick together and be difficult to defrost), and toss into the freezer. You can keep these berries in the freezer for months. For the shorter term, refrigerated berries will keep fresh in an airtight container for two to three weeks. Freshly picked berries will stay fresh on the counter for three to five days. If you’re looking for blueberry recipes, please ask during your visit. We’ll be happy to share our favorites with you and your family.
Certified Organic and conventional on a picturesque farm, our blueberries and our family hope you plan a trip this summer.